General information
Duration: 24 months.
Period: Octomber 1st, 2019 – September 31st, 2021
Budget: 154.405 €
Partners: Fundatia Ecologica Green, Romania, Instituto Politecnico De Santarem, Portugal, Kanuni Mesleki Ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey, IES Primero de Mayo, Spain, SOSU ØSTJYLLAND, Denmark.
Project Objectives
To strengthen the cooperation and networking between the partner organistations
To identify, test and implement good practices in healthcare education, mostly related to simulation, as form of work based learning in a safe and controlled environment
To design, based on the previous experience in the Erasmus+ E-(m)PACT project, a Train the trainer Manual in simulation, a tool to help the teachers involved train other teachers/trainers interested in organising simulation activities
To create a Compendium of good practices in healthcare education, destined to help VET institution to provide more attractive training programs
To improve the digital and the linguistic competences of the students and the staff involved, as well as their personal competences- social, civic and intercultural, by organising transnational learning activities.
Activities of the project
Project management: 4 Transnational project meetings. Management of local activities & reporting
Learning, teaching/training activities: 3 Short term joint staff training events. 2 Blended mobilities
Dissemination and valorisation: Project website. Final conference
Tangible results
A Train the trainer Manual in simulation
A Compendium of good practices in healthcare education
The training materials for the short staff training events, the work plans for the students mobility, other materials used in the virtual mobilities, the dissemination strategy and the dissemination materials, the evaluation strategy
A video made by the students on how simulation is integrated in their learning
Short-term joint staff training events
3 mobilities-5days- for 4 staff members from each partner, hosted by Denmark, Romania and Turkey
Main objective: to design a Train the trainer Manual for teachers involved in simulation, to revise it based on the local tests- training activities run by each
partner, to indentify and describe examples of good practices that can serve as inspiration for others, to prepare the blended mobilities for students and to
prepare local training activities.
Blended mobilities for students
2 mobilities (mix of virtual mobility and physical mobility-5 days) for 4 students from each partner, hosted by Portugal and Spain
Main objectives: to develop the personal and professional skills and competences of the participants, to get the students used to simulation activities in
multicultural contexts, get them used to compete in skills contests, write scenarios, run simulation and debrief in groups.
Printed and on Internet:
Leaflets & Posters
Project newsletters
Project website & FB page
Link to project website from partner institutions
In person:
Delivery of training
Facilitation of workshops/ seminars, round tables
Attendance of conferences
Networking with similar institutions
Evaluation of the products
Evaluation of the impact
Evaluation of the implementation process